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  • Writer's picturePhathiswa Moyo

Beauty, royalty and sexiness affirmations!!

  1. I embrace my unique qualities and beauty.

    • Esther's beauty and character set her apart. Similarly, I recognize and celebrate the unique qualities that make me who I am.

  1. I approach challenges with grace and wisdom.

    • Esther faced a challenging situation but navigated it with wisdom and grace. I am capable of facing challenges with a calm and wise mindset.

  1. I am open to new opportunities and possibilities.

    • Esther's life took an unexpected turn, leading to an incredible opportunity. I remain open to the unexpected opportunities that may come my way.

  1. I cultivate positive relationships with those around me.

    • Mordecai's care for Esther and her favorable relationships with others highlight the importance of positive connections. I nurture positive relationships in my life.

  1. I am patient and trust the timing of my life.

    • Esther underwent a year of preparation before meeting the king. I trust that the timing of my life is unfolding as it should, and I am patient in my journey.

  1. I use my influence for positive change.

    • Esther's influence as queen allowed her to make a positive impact. I recognize my own influence and strive to use it for the betterment of those around me.

  1. I celebrate my successes with joy and generosity.

    • The king celebrated Esther's crowning with a grand banquet and generosity. I celebrate my achievements with joy and share my success generously with others.

  1. I remain humble and true to my values.

    • Esther's humility and authenticity endeared her to the king. I stay true to my values and remain humble in my accomplishments.

  1. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way.

    • Esther's journey brought unexpected opportunities. I express gratitude for the opportunities that present themselves in my life.

  1. I am confident in my abilities and worth.

    • Esther's confidence and favor with the king stemmed from her inner qualities. I acknowledge my abilities and recognize my inherent worth.

    1. Beauty Affirmations:

    • "I embrace and celebrate my unique beauty, just as Esther did in the presence of King Xerxes."

    • "My inner radiance shines brighter than any external adornment."

    • "I am beautiful, inside and out, a reflection of my true self."

  1. Self-Care Affirmations:

    • "I prioritize self-care, nurturing my mind, body, and spirit."

    • "Like Esther's twelve months of preparation, I invest time in my own well-being."

    • "Self-care is a royal decree in my life, enhancing my confidence and vitality."

  1. Confidence Affirmations:

    • "I carry myself with the regal confidence of Queen Esther."

    • "My worth is not determined by external opinions but by the strength of my character."

    • "I trust in my abilities and embrace the favor and approval that come my way."

  1. Embracing Individuality:

    • "I am proud of my unique qualities, just as Esther's individuality captured the king's heart."

    • "I celebrate the diversity that makes me who I am, contributing to the richness of the world."

    • "I am worthy of love and acceptance just as I am."

  1. Joyful Celebrations:

    • "I create moments of joy and celebration, mirroring King Xerxes' proclamation of holidays."

    • "I share my accomplishments and gifts generously, spreading joy to those around me."

    • "Every day is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and goodness within and around me."

  2. Affirmations of Love and Desire:

    • I am worthy of a love that is better than wine, a love that is pure and intoxicating.

    • My essence is fragrant, like anointing oils that captivate the heart and soul.

    • I draw love and positivity into my life; I run toward the chambers of joy and fulfillment.

    • I celebrate and rejoice in the love that surrounds me, knowing that it is more precious than any material possession.

  1. Self-Reflection and Acceptance:

    • I embrace the uniqueness of my being, acknowledging both the light and dark within.

    • Like the tents of Kedar and the curtains of Solomon, I am a beautiful tapestry of experiences.

    • I release judgments about my perceived imperfections, recognizing that the sun has shaped me into a resilient and radiant being.

  1. Seeking Connection and Guidance:

    • I seek the guidance of love, asking my soul to lead me to places of peace and nourishment.

    • I am open to discovering the pastures where my heart finds solace and connection.

    • In my journey, I am unafraid to unveil my true self, standing confidently beside those who appreciate and uplift me.

  1. Acknowledging Beauty and Admiration:

    • I follow the path of beauty, recognizing and appreciating the beauty within and around me.

    • I compare myself to a majestic mare among chariots, acknowledging my strength and grace.

    • I adorn myself with inner ornaments of gold and silver, reflecting the priceless value I hold.

  1. Sensual and Sensory Experiences:

    • My presence is a fragrant sachet, emitting the sweet scent of authenticity and love.

    • I am a cluster of blossoms, vibrant and full of life, in the vineyards of my own existence.

    • I behold my own beauty and delight in the sensory experiences that make me unique.

  1. Celebrating Beauty and Delight:

    • I am beautiful, both in the eyes of others and in my own perception.

    • Our shared experiences create a vibrant and green couch of love and support.

    • The foundation of my life is strong and resilient, built with the beams of cedar and the rafters of pine.

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